Food Facility Design

Food Facility Design is our core business. We design food facilities ranging from small restaurants to large kitchens, food production facilities, commissaries, bakeries, and more. IRC creates documentation required to obtain Health Department approvals and ADA compliance. We provide Owners with comprehensive design plans and detailed equipment specifications. Our association with the North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers as certified CFSP (Certified Foodservice Professional), coupled with our knowledge of current culinary trends and methods, assures highly professional, informed design solutions.

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Comparative Bid Analysis

In the spirit of acting as an objective Client Advocate, IRC does not sell equipment nor does it accept compensation from any food service related companies. To this end, we provide accurate, side-by-side analysis services of equipment bid submittals that allow our Clients to determine the optimum bid package to meet their budget and operational needs.

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Financial Feasibility Studies

IRC can assist Owners in determining the financial feasibility of a food service facility and/or concept. We work in alliance with the Owner to systematically review and assemble the capitalization, sales and operating information into a format to provide a realistic feasibility model. The studies are comprehensive and include sales and costs assumptions, development, construction, opening and operating expenses to provide an budgetary breakeven and P&L with projected cash flow.



IRC offers assistance to other food service design professionals to expedite their plans through the California Health Department plan check process. To ensure a delay-free process IRC works upfront to review, comment and assist colleagues to adjust their drawings to meet the Health Department codes and local issues. We submit and provide all necessary follow-up that may be required to insure plans receive approval in a timely manner.